Friday, September 12, 2008

My old man

At the age of 33 (a year old then me) Doobie has seen more of Washington state then I have. He was born to Dave and Sue and was there child for 30 years. They retired and deiced to travel so Doobie came to live with me. I rode him the first summer I had him and then he went into semi-retirement just giving the kids rides and this last year he has only had to give a ride or two. He is the rock of the herd grounding my silly mare Figi and keeping everyone safe. Over the last few years his body has grown tired and he is starting to look his age and feel his age. After talking the Dave we deiced to have the vet come and look at him and see if maybe it might be the best choice to have him put down before winter comes. I'm torn in this as I see his beautiful face and eyes and I see how youthful he is but then I look at his poor body that is just on keeping up. I love how he talks to me every feeding and makes my hurry with his meal! I know that if the vet feels its time I will be fine with the choice but I almost want him to say he is fine and Doobie booby will get to stay. Wednesday is the big day with the vet I just hope it comes fast.

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